The Department of Psychology offers admission to Ph.D. programs in the following major areas: clinical, developmental, neuropsychology, personality, and social psychology within the Graduate School. The Department of Psychology does not admit applicants to a Master's degree program. If a student, once admitted to the Ph.D. program, elects to do so, it is possible to earn the Master's on the way to the Ph.D.
Students applying to the Department of Psychology must complete an online application for admission with the Graduate School. Applicants should follow all Graduate School application instructions (e.g., fees, deadlines, submission processes). Additional information on major areas is listed below (e.g., Clinical has a required supplemental application that is emailed/mailed to the Director of Clinical Training, DCT).
Doctor of Philosophy
Source: www.coas.howard.edu
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If your depression was treated, no, it would not affect your ability to train as a clinical psycologist.