Program Overview
The Department of Psychology at Minnesota State University, Mankato offers a two year, full-time program which leads to the Master of Arts degree in Clinical Psychology. The Master of Arts in Clinical Psychology provides rigorous academic and applied training particularly suited to students who wish to pursue doctoral study. The 50 credit program requires a thesis and completion of an off campus clinical practicum. The goal of the program is to prepare students for advanced study at the doctoral level. The program's orientation stresses an integration of the systematic procedures of the researcher and the interpersonal skills of the clinician. Training emphasizes specification of client problems, application of empirically supported therapeutic technique and attention to concrete behavioral change.
Preparation for doctoral training
The program is rigorous, academically oriented and thusly best suited as preparation for doctoral study. The scientist-practitioner model of training is utilized, hence, the program is not recommended for those seeking a terminal master's degree.
Applied clinical research
There is a strong commitment to applied clinical research: students are expected to participate on research teams with faculty and other students throughout their program.
Clinical psychology as an applied science The explicit orientation of the faculty is on scientific psychology. Clinical psychology is considered an application of the science of human behavior.
'Junior colleague' model of training
Students are engaged in collaborative research with faculty, and assume substantial responsibility in all aspects of research projects. Students are also encouraged to participate in departmental, community and other professional activities. Faculty and student interactions are casual and mutually supportive providing frequent and individualized opportunities for professional development.
Source: sbs.mnsu.edu
Insider's Guide to Graduate Programs in Clinical and Counseling Psychology (text only) 7th (Seventh) edition by M. A. Sayette PhD,T. J. Mayne PhD,J. C. Norcross Phd Book (The Guilford Press) |
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