Clinical Psychology Programs RankingsNovember 17, 2020 – 11:51 am

Note to Students: The rankings below should be considered no more than a rough approximation. Many excellent programs did not make it into Gourman s report, and of those that did, the difference between closely ranked programs was often too small to be meaningful. For a critical perspective on the Gourman rankings, see Caveat Emptor: The Gourman Report . You would be well advised to consult as many faculty members as possible for feedback on your…
MA in Clinical Psychology ProgramsNovember 5, 2020 – 11:48 am

Thank you for your interest in the Master s in Clinical Practices program at the University of Hartford. The Clinical Practices in Psychology program is a full-time program, with a two-year sequence of course work and practicum experiences, leading to the Master of Arts. The mission of the Clinical Practices Masters Program is to develop clinical psychologists who are competent in all aspects of psychotherapy, psychological assessment, and clinical…
Indiana University Clinical PsychologyOctober 24, 2020 – 11:43 am

For an in-depth look at the Clinical Science Program in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University, please visit their website or review the program handbook. Accreditation Status The Clinical Science Program in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University is accredited by two organizations. The Clinical Science Program in the Department of Psychological and Brain Sciences at Indiana University…
Best Clinical Psychology PsyD ProgramsOctober 18, 2020 – 11:38 am

Earning your Psy.D. degree is a good choice in terms of job demand and potential salary, but which Psy.D. programs are the best choices? After extensive research, we have determined that the following 10 Psy.D. programs are highly worth your consideration: SEE ALSO: PsyD Degree Anatomy #1 Rutgers This Doctor of Psychology program aims to provide a stellar education to clinical psychologists for practice in clinical psychology and in other related…
Clinical Psychology CareersSeptember 6, 2020 – 11:04 am

Most of what you do in the Navy Reserve is considered training. The basic Navy Reserve commitment involves training a minimum of one weekend a month (referred to as drilling) and two weeks a year (referred to as Annual Training) – or the equivalent. For current or former Navy Officers (NAVET): Prior experience satisfies the initial leadership training requirement – so you will not need to go through Officer Training again. For current or former Officers…
Loyola University Clinical PsychologyAugust 31, 2020 – 11:03 am

Time to Degree Completion Students who have completed previous graduate coursework (e.g., Master s degree) are allowed to apply for the Clinical Psychology PhD program. Credit for previous coursework is awarded on an individual basis after careful review of the student s academic records. In general, graduate students are expected to complete the Clinical Psychology PhD program in 6 years (5 years of university-based graduate training plus a 1-year…
Georgia State University Clinical PsychologyAugust 13, 2020 – 11:00 am

The Psy.D program originated from a longstanding and dire need for licensed psychologists in rural, underserved areas of the United States, most specifically in the rural South. The mission is consistent with Georgia Southern University’s commitment to serve the needs of the southeastern region of the country. The program has an ongoing mission to increase awareness of diversity, especially related to rural and underserved populations. The program…