West Virginia University Clinical PsychologyOctober 1, 2016 – 08:01 am

Thank you for your interest in graduate study in the Department of Psychology at West Virginia University. On the web pages in this section of the Department of Psychology’s web site you will find materials describing our five doctoral areas of study (Behavior Analysis, Behavioral Neuroscience, Clinical Psychology, Clinical Child Psychology, and Life-Span Developmental Psychology) as well as information and links to the forms needed to complete your…
Clinical Psychology ChicagoSeptember 27, 2016 – 07:42 am

The clinical psychology program adheres to the scientist-practitioner model of clinical training designed to develop competent, creative professionals capable of functioning in clinical, research and academic settings. The program strives to provide a balance of training and experience in research, clinical work and teaching. Specifically, the program seeks to enable its students to develop proficiency in: Knowledge of the substantive content Theories…
Duke Clinical PsychologySeptember 3, 2016 – 06:28 pm

The Clinical Psychology Program at Duke University is a Ph.D. program for students seeking excellence in academic, scientific, and clinical training. This program is fully accredited by the American Psychological Association (APA) and by the Psychological Clinical Science Accreditation System (PCSAS). Our program has a strong history within the Boulder (scientist-practitioner) model and more recently has adopted a clinical science model of training…
Articles PsychologySeptember 1, 2016 – 03:14 pm

Source: Google images approved for reuse Many preschool and kindergarten teachers have told me that they are extremely upset—some to the point of being ready to resign—by the increased pressure on them to teach academic skills to little children and regularly test them on such skills. They can see firsthand the unhappiness generated, and they suspect that the children would be learning much more useful lessons through playing, exploring, and socializing…
Clinical Psychology Job OutlookAugust 26, 2016 – 01:39 pm

Clinical psychologists use knowledge acquired from graduate school and professional experience to diagnose and treat mental disorders and other issues that can range from schizophrenia to grief. Unlike psychiatrists, who prescribe medicine, psychologists treat patients through psychotherapy. Clinical psychologists work in a variety of areas, and many specialize in treating specific types of patients and illnesses. They need a license to see clients…
Clinical Psychology Degree RequirementsAugust 16, 2016 – 12:42 pm

The primary goal of the Clinical Psychology Program is to provide rigorous training in both contemporary clinical science and clinical assessment and intervention. The research programs of our faculty span a wide range, including studies of childhood risk and resilience; clinical intervention in diverse sociocultural and geographic contexts; religious and spiritual development; altruism and caregiving; emotion and coping with trauma; and psychotherapy…
University of Southern California Clinical PsychologyAugust 9, 2016 – 12:05 pm

The Ph.D. program in Clinical Science at the University of Southern California is dedicated to the integration of science and application. Clinical science is viewed as an ideology, a perspective taking, that values critical thinking and evidence in informing one s professional activities. Our goal is to prepare graduates to create new knowledge with the potential to advance the field in whatever setting they choose to work - academia, research centers…