Baylor Clinical PsychologyOctober 29, 2015 – 09:58 pm

The goal of Baylor University s Doctor of Psychology Program is to develop professional psychologists with the conceptual and clinical competencies necessary to contribute to the science of psychology and deliver psychological services in a manner that is effective and responsive to individual and societal needs both now and in the future. Being responsive to needs includes the recognition and valuing of psychological and ethnic-cultural diversity…
Notre Dame Clinical PsychologyOctober 24, 2015 – 08:11 pm

Our graduate program is founded on the premise that knowledge of basic psychology and psychological methods is required for careers in both basic science and applied behavioral science. Our program boasts solid training in general content areas, in methodology, and in scientific writing. They prepare our graduate students to make active contributions to scholarly research and to solve problems in various community, clinical, and other nonacademic…
Which describes a Clinical Psychologist?October 22, 2015 – 07:56 pm

Video of Eric Garner s arrest in New York, pictures of the rioting and burned buildings in Missouri - those images and sounds have put many people on edge, especially in Ferguson. In response, the St. Louis Association of Black Psychologists has been offering free counseling services at churches and other places around the city. Dr. Marva Robinson is a clinical psychologist and president of the group. She told me that conversations about race are…
Clinical Psychologist TrainingApril 24, 2014 – 01:07 pm

In order to qualify as a psychologist, a master s degree or doctorate degree is required. There are a variety of degree options to choose from, and the career options available at each level can vary. Doctoral Degrees in Psychology In order to become a licensed clinical or counseling psychologist, a doctorate degree is required. There are two types of doctorate degrees to choose from: the Ph.D. and the Psy.D. The traditional Ph.D. in Psychology degree…
Clinical Psychology JobsJune 13, 2013 – 08:23 am

Clinical psychology is the field in psychology that is most concerned with the diagnosis and treatment of abnormal behaviors and mental illness. Those who graduate with a Masters in Clinical Psychology may find employment in an array of different settings, from working in their own private practice to assessing mental disorders out in social care settings. They may specialize in subcategories such as health psychology or learning disabilities, which…
Pacific University Clinical PsychologyNovember 4, 2013 – 01:52 pm

The PhD Program in Clinical Psychology at Pacific University adheres to an integrated scientist-practitioner model. In this model, our science advances our practice while, at the same time, our clinical practice guides, directs, and informs our research. Students are trained to integrate the science and practice of psychology by completing specific requirements in didactic instruction and experiential practica. Graduates are capable of functioning…
Psychology Articles on LearningJune 6, 2015 – 07:58 am

Does Johnny have to go potty?Do you want some wa wa? Speaking to young children this way sounds sweet and motherly, but it may also slow down language development. A study published in suggests that speaking in complex sentences to young children may set a better example and improve their language skills. Janellen Huttenlocher, Ph.D., head of the developmental psychology program at the University of Chicago, observed 305 local children in 40 preschool…