Tel: 860.486.2642
Fax: 860.486.4848
(By Appointment Only)
Department of Psychology
University of Connecticut
Bousfield Building, 2nd Floor
406 Babbidge Road, U-1020
Storrs, CT
Marianne L. Barton, Ph.D.
Clinic Director
Julie R. Fenster, Ph.D.
Assistant Clinical Professor
The Psychological Services Clinic offers an array of mental health services to adults, teens, children, and families in eastern Connecticut. The Clinic is operated by the University of Connecticut as a training clinic for graduate students in Clinical Psychology. Services are provided by graduate students under the supervision of licensed clinical psychologists and faculty members in the department of Psychology. All contacts with the Clinic are completely confidential in accordance with Connecticut state law.
Psychotherapy Services
Short-term and intermediate length psychotherapy is available to children, teens, adults, couples, and families.
The clinic uses a wide variety of clinical practices that are individualized, culturally sensitive, strengths-based, and include the use of evidence based practices and interpersonal approaches.
Adult treatment is available for a variety of concerns including relationship and stress-related problems, depression, anxiety, eating disorders, posttraumatic stress disorder, and more. Adults can be seen individually or with a partner in marital or couples therapy.
Treatment for children and teens is available for a number of concerns including behavioral and emotional difficulties, attentional problems, oppositional behaviors, anxiety, depression, trauma-related difficulties, autism spectrum disorders, and more. Children/teens can be seen individually or in family sessions.Very young children may also be seen in parent-child sessions. While treatment is tailored to fit the needs of each individual or family, it is expected that families will be involved in the treatment program when children are referred.
Source: psych.uconn.edu
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