A bachelor’s degree is required. Undergraduate courses in experimental psychology, statistics, and at least three of the core areas of psychology (developmental, learning, perception, physiological, or social) are generally adequate didactic preparation for graduate study. Most students also have additional basic science backgrounds as part of their undergraduate majors. Although a psychology major on the undergraduate level is preferred, the department has, on occasion, accepted students with undergraduate preparation in other disciplines.
Recent statistics suggest that the average first year student has a combined verbal and quantitative GRE of 315 and an undergraduate GPA of 3.74. For more information see Student Admissions, Outcomes and Other Data. All students had, in addition to didactic preparation, some practical experience of a clinical or research nature prior to enrollment. The admission committee places particular emphasis on prior research experience, the breadth and quality of the undergraduate preparation in basic science and psychology, letters of recommendation and personal statements. Undergraduate GPA and GRE scores (verbal, quantitative, and writing) also affect the committee’s decision.
The admissions committee has throughout the years not required interviews as part of the acceptance procedure. However, interviews are recommended because they benefit both the applicant and the program in determining whether there is a good fit between the applicant’s training needs and training opportunities. You are welcome to contact the individual faculty and discuss specifics of the area that you are interested.
The admissions committee makes every effort to make telephone contact with all applicants in the final selection pool who are also invited to a recruitment weekend to be held in February. The number of students admitted is typically 12-15 from an applicant pool of about 350-400. The actual size of the class is determined by a number of different factors including available faculty, University, and departmental support, program needs, and the goal of attracting and maintaining an excellent and diverse student body. The Department of Clinical and Health Psychology adheres to the Guidelines for Graduate School Offers and Acceptances adopted by the Council of University Directors of Clinical Psychology and to Admissions policies established by the Council of Graduate Schools. The CUDCP guidelines can be found here.
Source: chp.phhp.ufl.edu
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Above is the list of accredited programs for clinical psychology. Choose a school that is APA accredited. There is additional info on apa.org website. Good luck to you! (college prof)