Below is a comprehensive list of the most popular criminal justice and law enforcement career fields. Within each field you'll also find a number of job specialities. For example, many people want to become a "CIA Agent", but they don't realize there are several different types of CIA agents (i.e. Operations Officer, College Management Officer, Intelligence Officer, Language Officer, etc.)? In addition, within each law enforcement agency, there are numerous "Support and Professional" positions, such as intelligence analyst, forensic accountant, applied scientist, engineer, and many more. To learn more about a specific career field, and to the explore the opportunities it offers, simply make your selection from the list below.
You can learn more about the education requirements for a career in criminal justice by reviewing A Career in Criminal Justice: How Much Education is Required and Is a Degree in Criminal Justice the Right Choice?.
Criminal Justice Degree Finder
Search our database of online and campus-based criminal justice programs.
CriminologyCriminology is a combination of both sociology and criminal justice. It attemps to understand and explain the anatomy of a crime, specifically its causes, costs, and consquences.
Law Enforcement
Law EnforcementLaw enforcement officers focus one preventing and investigating crimes, and apprehending suspects. They also work with the courts to see that criminals are prosecuted.
Law enforcement professionals fall into one of three general categories: Uniformed Officers, Investigators, and Support positions. Uniformed officers are our first line of defense against criminals. They patrol communities and respond to calls for assistance. They also investigate robberies and minor crimes.
Investigators are plainclothes law enforcement officers that investigate crimes. Specifically, they gather information and evidence that helps identify criminal activity and prosecute perpetrators.
Support personnel are the law enforcement professionals who work behind the scenes to make sure evidence is analyzed, clues are found, ballistics are examined, and crimes scenes are accurately reconstructed. While not as visible as other law enforcement careers, support personnal are some of the most highly educated and intelligent people in law enforcment.
Courts & Judicial SystemThe courts are at the center of the U.S. criminal justice system. Their primary objective is to determine the guilt or innocence of suspected criminals, and then set sentencing.
Source: www.careerprofiles.info
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