What is a Criminal Psychologist?May 3, 2016 – 02:00 am

YouTube/screengrabProfessor James Garbarino. It s easy, sometimes automatic, to think of murderers as forces of evil. But Loyola University psychologist James Garbarino, who has spent decades studying the minds of killers, offers a different, more patient, reading of their violent behavior. In a recent talk at Cornell University, he boiled it down to a single sentence: Most of these killers are best understood as untreated, traumatized children who…
Criminal Psychology CareersApril 10, 2016 – 11:10 pm

Criminal psychologists can help predict the likelihood of a criminal committing another offense. Stockbyte/Stockbyte/Getty Images Criminal psychologists use their expertise in human behavior to help identify and apprehend offenders and rehabilitate convicted felons. They assess criminal behavior and diagnose psychological disorders. Some criminal psychologists investigate crimes or help lawyers select jurors for their trials. Judges and lawyers routinely…
Criminal PsychApril 3, 2016 – 09:57 pm

Prison is a tough place to be, says prison psychiatrist David Krassner. Krassner helps inmates deal with mental health problems ranging from schizophrenia to the stress of a life sentence. Credit: © Fernando Gregory | Dreamstime.com Few people would choose to spend their time inside the walls of a prison, but it s all in a day s work for David Krassner. As a staff psychiatrist at the California Men s Colony State Prison in San Luis Obispo, Krassner…
Peer reviewed Psychology Journal ArticlesMarch 24, 2016 – 08:17 pm

( CRISP ) is a peer reviewed, electronic journal publishing theoretically driven, empirical research in major areas of social psychology. Publication is sponsored by the Center for the Study of Group Processes at the University of Iowa, which provides free access to its contents. Authors retain copyright for their work. CRISP is permanently archived at the Library of the University of Iowa and at the Library of Congress. Beginning in April, 2, Sociological…
What is Criminal Psychology?March 13, 2016 – 06:41 pm

As it turns out, humans possess the ability to tell who s a criminal and who s not simply by looking at them because criminals look different from noncriminals. In this blog, I have repeatedly emphasized the fact that virtually all stereotypes are empirically true. If they weren t true, they would not be stereotypes in the first place. To my knowledge, all of the very, very few stereotypes that are not empirically true, for some reason, have to…
Jobs with a Psychology Masters DegreeMarch 10, 2016 – 05:49 pm

Those who are considering going to graduate school often ask if they should apply to Masters degree or PhD programs. This is an important issue that deserves some attention. Why? When your career goals, experience, and skills match up with the type of degree you are pursuing, you will likely (1) get more out of grad school, (2) more readily see the benefits of specific hurdles you will have to pass to complete your degree, (3) have a more meaningful…
Criminal Psychology Degree OnlineFebruary 26, 2016 – 03:28 pm

Online courses in criminal psychology are commonly included in Master of Arts (M.A.) or Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) programs in forensic or criminal psychology. Introductory courses in criminal psychology also may be offered online to students pursuing undergraduate programs in a variety of topics, including psychology and criminal justice. Distance education graduate programs in criminal or forensic psychology prepare students for careers as clinical…