June 15, 2019 – 09:17 am
Forensic Psychology Syllabus

Required Textbook:
Criminal Behavior: A Psychosocial Approach (9th edition) by Bartol.

UNIT 1 TEST: September 15
Chapters 1, 2, 3.

UNIT 2 TEST: October 8
Chapters 4-7.

UNIT 3 TEST: November 12
Chapters 8-11.

UNIT 4 TEST: December 3
Chapters 12-15.

Cumulative plus chapter 16. Refer to fall schedule for date.


Each test will consist of 40 multiple choice items — covering lecture notes, assigned readings, and class discussion. Bring number 2 pencils for every test. If you have trouble erasing completely, bring Liquid Paper to cover your erasures or just ask the professor for a clean answer sheet. Any answer marked wrong due to an incomplete erasure is simply wrong.

There will be NO makeup tests. As long as you do not miss any quizzes or tests, your lowest test score will be dropped. If you miss a test, it will be the score that gets dropped. The final will weigh the same as any other test in figuring your grade, and it can be the grade that gets dropped.


Source: www.travislangley.info

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