According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for forensic psychologists is about $59, 440 a year. Those in the 50th percentile made anywhere from $45, 300 to $77, 750 annually, while those in the upper 10th percentile earned salaries exceeding $100, 000 a year. Most entry-level positions for those with a doctorate degree start out around $65, 000 a year. Starting salaries for professionals with a bachelor's or master's degree range from $35, 000 to $50, 000 annually. Forensic psychologists who find employment in the private sector offering consulting services often make anywhere from $80, 000 to $90, 000 a year.
While not absolutely necessary, a growing number of employers are seeking forensic psychologists with a doctorate degree in psychology. For those looking to maxmize their long-term earning potential and career opportunities earning a Ph.D. or Psy.D. is highly recommended.
Source: www.psychologycareercenter.org
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HI :D this is what i am going to school to become, a forensic psychologist on average makes about 59-79,000 on an average! and this is only if you have a doctorate, there are very very very few jobs for masters in this field so when going into this you do have to choose youre degree level very carefully,
For a Counseling psychologist the average was about 63,935 starting out, and this is mainly ones that work in hospitals or are able to start there own successful practice =)
hope i helped!