Forensics SalarySeptember 27, 2017 – 05:39 pm

Due to the popularity and interest in forensic science careers and crime scene investigation jobs, it is likely that competition will be fierce over the next few years. In the 2012-2013 edition of the Occupational Outlook Handbook, the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that forensic scientist careers are expected to increase by 19 percent by the year 2020, which is an average rate of growth. In short, forensic scientist supply, fueled by thrilling…
Forensic Psychologist RequirementsAugust 4, 2017 – 05:01 pm

Top Schools Offering Forensic Psychologist Degree Programs: The links below will allow you to request free enrollment information directly from top national schools that offer a Forensic Psychologist degree program: 1. Degree Requirements to become a Forensic Psychologist: It may be hard for you to find a designated college program just for forensic psychologists, but you will be able to design your own degree based on psychology courses and criminal…
Forensic Psychology Degree RequirementsAugust 1, 2017 – 05:00 pm

The study of criminal psychology includes training in sociology, criminal justice and mental health analysis. Students interested in pursuing a major in criminal psychology can enroll in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science in Forensic Psychology program. The major difference between the two is the Bachelor of Science s requirement of more psychology-centered courses. Forensic psychology majors may learn skills in criminal profiling, individual…
Forensic Psychology RequirementsJuly 29, 2017 – 04:43 pm

To view information about Nova Southeastern University or to apply now, use one of the options below. View Our Catalog In order to be admitted to the program, applicants must meet the following requirements: Have a bachelor s degree from a regionally-accredited institution or internationally-recognized institution with academic credentials evaluated for U.S. institutional equivalence. Have a GPA of 3.0 in the last 60 credits of undergraduate study…
Ethical Issues in Forensic PsychologyJune 27, 2017 – 06:57 pm

Seven Issues in Conducting Forensic Assessments Ethical Responsibilities in Light of New Standards and New Tests This article ( Seven Issues in Conducting Forensic Assessments: Ethical Responsibilities in Light of New Standards and New Tests ) was published in Ethics & Behavior , vol. , #3-4, pages 267-288. ABSTRACT : The publication of a new ethics code by the American Psychological Association, new guidelines by the Committee on Ethical…
Forensic EvaluatorJune 18, 2017 – 06:49 pm

If you are interested in serving as a Court Appointed Forensic Evaluator in Santa Clara County you must submit a completed Forensic Evaluator Panel Application to be appointed to either the Adult or Juvenile Panel. The application will be reviewed by the Santa Clara County Forensic Evaluator Advisory Review Board. This panel is a multi-agency review board with representatives from the Court, Probation, legal service agencies, and mental health experts…
Psychology of the MindJune 6, 2017 – 06:45 pm

As I sit here pondering what to write, what is it, exactly, that is doing the pondering? Where do the thoughts come from? How does the 3 lb mass of grey matter that is my brain give rise to the felt experience of sensations and thoughts? It sometimes seems essentially inconceivable that the water of material processes could give rise to the wine of consciousness. Indeed, it is so famous a conundrum that it has a namethe (in)famous mind-brain (or mind-body)…