Graduate Programs in Forensic PsychologyOctober 14, 2021 – 10:19 am

How to Select a Forensic Psychology Graduate School Due to its emphasis on criminal justice and legal proceedings, forensic psychology program coursework is often taught not only by psychologists, but also by law professionals. A master s degree option in this field may be offered as a stand-alone program, or students may elect to complete a program in counseling psychology with a focus on forensic psychology. Most graduate programs for this field…
Forensic Psychology Paper TopicsOctober 8, 2021 – 10:16 am

Alan Goldstein, a Board-certified forensic psychologist on the faculty of the John Jay College of Criminal Justice at the City University of New York, has collected contributions from experts in the field of forensic mental health on topics intended to reflect some of the frontiers of the field. The resulting volume is an excellent sourcebook for any mental health professional, whether psychologist or psychiatrist, on topics outside the expertise…
NYU Forensic PsychologySeptember 26, 2021 – 10:13 am

It is the philosophy of the NYU-Bellevue Clinical Psychology Internship Program that sound clinical knowledge and skills are the basis of competent forensic psychology as it applies to the psychiatrically impaired population. Consequently, this track maintains a dual focus on both general clinical psychology and specialized training in forensic psychology. Through the two main rotation sites of this track (the Inpatient Forensic Psychiatry Unit at…
Psychology Career InformationSeptember 20, 2021 – 10:09 am

One motivating factor for being a psychologist is that over a quarter of psychologists are self-employed, which is four times the national average. Psychologists generally need a graduate level psychology degree to be successful. Medical school is required for many psychologists who specialize in clinical psychology or counseling, and a master s degree is minimum requirement for most educational facilities and organizations. The work of psychologists…
Forensic Psychology Major collegesSeptember 2, 2021 – 10:01 am

The Sports Psychology minor focuses on how psychological factors affect behavior in sports and athletics and on how participation in these activities affects the athlete. Students study social perception, motivation, group dynamics, development of motor skills, leadership, aggression and other topics essential to working with teams and individual athletes for careers in coaching, education, research/teaching or counseling. Psychology courses required…
Forensic Psychology UndergraduateAugust 27, 2021 – 09:59 am

Forensic psychologists are trained psychologists who also have a strong understanding of the U.S. legal system. They often conduct psychological analyses of criminals and provide testimony in court. Students in a bachelor s degree program in forensic psychology study law and psychology. Courses often cover topics such as human development, abnormal psychology, criminology and family law. An undergraduate certificate program in forensic psychology…
Music RhythmAugust 15, 2021 – 09:56 am

Sound Wherever you are right now, there are probably sounds in the air. You may not notice them, but if you listen closely, you will probably hear many things: sounds created by a car driving down the street, a dog barking, a bird chirping, footsteps in a hallway, the squeak of your chair, people talking, the wind blowing through the trees. The list can go on forever. What is music? What makes these sounds different from music? What is music? We all…