Introduction to Forensic PsychologyDecember 5, 2020 – 11:58 am

Filled with real–life examples, practical applications, and case law discussions, Forensic Psychology: Research and Application, Fourth Edition covers new and emerging fields of study, the many areas where psychology plays a significant role in the civil and criminal justice systems, and the wide range of issues that are an integral part of the forensic psychologist’s day-to-day work. This unique, career-oriented textbook emphasizes a multicultural…
Salary for Forensic PsychologyNovember 29, 2020 – 11:57 am

Forensic psychologists comprise a small group of specialized human services psychologists who are often lumped into the other psychologists category when it comes to salary statistics from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The BLS reports that Other Psychologists, including forensic psychologists, earned a mean annual wage of $88, 400 in May 2013, with the top 10 percent earning $117, 090 or more, and the bottom 10 percent earning $42, 550 or less…
Forensic Psychology MajorsNovember 11, 2020 – 11:50 am

If you re interested in how psychology intersects with the criminal justice and court systems, consider a minor in forensic psychology. The forensic psychology minor is a collaboration between the Department of Psychology and the School of Criminal Justice. Students learn about the legal system and the workings of the court from both the legal and psychological perspectives. Issues covered include: What theories are used to explain crime? Will an…
Forensic Psychology TopicsOctober 30, 2020 – 11:44 am

Stories of criminals and their motives always provide fascination and intrigue, and the proliferation in recent years of television shows dealing with crime scene investigators, profilers, and psychology experts in courtrooms has heightened interest among those wanting challenging and mentally stimulating careers. Forensic psychology is an area that deals specifically with understanding human behavior within the context of legal issues. And while…
Part Time Psychology JobsOctober 12, 2020 – 11:38 am

The Georgia Psychological Association (GPA) is the the organization dedicated to psychology in the state of Georgia. To its members and the public, the Georgia Psychological Association offers continuing education opportunities, ethics and legal consultations, research promotion, networking opportunities, an online referral network, and more. One of the main goals of the Georgia Psychological Association is to promote the field of psychology to the…
John Jay College Forensic PsychologyOctober 6, 2020 – 11:35 am

The purpose of the Forensic Psychology Research Institute (FPRI) at John Jay College of Criminal Justice, City University of New York (CUNY), is to create and foster research opportunities in forensic psychology for qualified faculty and students so that they may acquire and enhance their research skills and capabilities. The FPRI funds research undertaken by psychology faculty and graduate students. WHO CAN APPLY? 1) Faculty Researchers: Any member…
Forensic Psychology JobsSeptember 30, 2020 – 11:15 am

Forensic psychology merges the career fields of psychology and law. Forensic psychologists are primarily tasked with objectively testifying in court to assess the mental state of criminals and victims. They may work with criminal and juvenile offenders, trial lawyers, crime victims and law enforcement agencies. A minimum of a master s degree in psychology or a related discipline is required for the following positions. Career Title Forensic psychologists…