Love psychology? Love studying Health? Health Psychology will be a great fit for you!
1) Stand Out to graduate schools and employers with a unique education that combines psychology with health fields (biology, health science, nutrition)
•· Having an emphasis in your psychology major communicates that you have direction, are motivated and hard working, which is what graduate schools and employers are looking for
•· There are over 60 graduate programs in Health Psychology, including Clinical Health Psychology and many, many more in related programs in psychology and other health science fields -
they are all looking for a good fit in selecting their students, which you may gain in this emphasis.
•· Employers are increasingly recognizing the need for interdisciplinary training - this emphasis may be your ticket to that job you want
2) Job Outlook is Very Good to those seeking a psychology-related career in the context of health (physical or mental), such as at a hospital, health care clinic, private practice or university.
•· The Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts a 22% increase in numbers of new jobs for health psychologists by year 2020, compared to the modest expected 14% across all other occupations.
•· Health care has many employment opportunities, especially in hospitals, as they have greatly increased their hiring of health psychologists to help balance good medical practice with a
person's lifestyle behaviors to optimize health.
•· There are many places you could work as a Health Psychologist including (just to name a few): hospitals, medical schools, health maintenance organizations, rehabilitation centers,
pain management centers, public health agencies, private consultation or practice offices
3) Flexibility in Your Career Choice as you could go into psychology, public health, health care admin, medical fields, or even work as part of a team of medical professionals in the treatment of disease
•· You can go into graduate school in other sub disciplines such as Sport Psychology, Clinical Psychology or Positive Psychology.
•· You can go into related health disciplines such as public health, healthcare administration, or even the medical fields (e.g., MD, Physician Assistant, Chiropractor, Occupational
Recreational Therapist, Physical Therapist, Occupational Health & Safety Specialist). Point being, you still have lots of flexibility!
4) Already a Psych Major? No problem!
•· There is a lot of overlap in classes, requiring very little change
•· Just like the General Psychology Major, no minor is required
•· Use your leftover electives to pursue any additional interests you might have (e.g., minor, specific psychology classes) or explore prerequisites for your future career
If you are interested or have additional questions about the Health Psychology Emphasis, contact Brother Rob Wright at wrightro@byui.edu.
You may also consult APA's Division 38 website on Health Psychology:
For more information:
New Health Psychology Emphasis: Scroll article July 8, 2014
Source: www.byui.edu
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