Health Psychology theoriesJanuary 5, 2020 – 10:43 am

Health psychology theories remain strongly individualistic, despite a stated commitment to the biopsychosocial paradigm. We examine some general impediments to, and strategies for, establishing health- psychology theories which have a true social dimension. These impediments stem from two sources: a style of theorizing prevalent in health psychology which we label flowcharting; and the influence of root metaphors and concepts from adjacent health…
Psychology Health and MedicineNovember 6, 2019 – 10:29 am

Health psychology is a rapidly expanding discipline at the interface of psychology and clinical medicine. This new edition is fully reworked and revised, offering an entirely up-to-date, comprehensive, accessible, one-stop resource for clinical psychologists, mental health professionals and specialists in health-related matters. There are two new editors: Susan Ayers from the University of Sussex and Kenneth Wallston from Vanderbilt University Medical…
Mental Health Counselor VS PsychologistAugust 20, 2019 – 09:46 am

There are a lot of similarities between marriage and family therapists and clinical or mental health counselors - so many, in fact, that the Bureau of Labor Statistics groups the two together. Both are master s level mental health professionals. Both are qualified to diagnose and treat mental conditions. Professional Counseling developed from guidance counseling while MFT grew from psychology. ~ University of Oregon However, marriage and family therapy…
Masters in Health Psychology ProgramsJune 21, 2019 – 09:20 am

Health psychology is the field which studies how health is affected by psychological, behavioral, cultural and other factors, and how psychological approaches can be utilized to enhance health. Those interested in graduate education in this field can pursue a master s or doctoral degree, offered on-campus and online by major colleges and universities. Two-year master s curricula cover theoretical and methodological foundations, psychopathology and…
Health Psychology Doctoral ProgramsJune 9, 2019 – 09:17 am

Health Psychology at Rutgers is an intradisciplinary program for training Psychology graduate students, who are enrolled in one of the four Psychology Doctoral Programs, in the conduct of research concerning physical health and disease. The emphasis is on theoretically-based empirical research aimed at increasing understanding of the mechanisms underlying the reciprocal relationships linking psychological/behavioral factors to physical health outcomes…
Bluegrass Health PsychologyMay 22, 2019 – 09:11 am

The newest doctoral degree program at Eastern Kentucky University will address a significant health care void, particularly in rural Kentucky. The University’s newly-approved Psy.D. program in Clinical Psychology, designed to prepare psychology practitioners, will focus on preparing practitioners to work in underserved rural areas when it launches in Fall 2015 ( pending SACS approval ). The curriculum will provide opportunities for specialized training…
Health Psychology ArticlesMarch 23, 2019 – 08:45 am

Being a pharmacist, you may think I would always suggest a bottle of something for what ails you. However, first and foremost, I believe in the “do no harm” motto when it comes to healthcare. To me, that means to first try the least invasive route to feeling your best as possible, like a stress-preventing measure, special diet, or exercise program before popping a “magic pill.” Lifestyle changes can help prevent adverse effects and interactions associated…