Number of Jobs
16, 400
Median Salary
$67, 760
Unemployment Rate
0.2 percent
School psychologists do much more than assist concerned parents and administrators with the academic struggles of a student. They also review test scores to help decide whether a child qualifies for special services, diagnose mental disorders and learning disabilities, and help treat behavioral and emotional problems with therapy. They can bear a heavy load, especially when students struggle with family and mental health problems. School psychologists generally work within school systems, although some also work in private practice, at local mental health agencies or in residential treatment centers.
The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that 16, 400 new school psychologist jobs will be added between 2012 and 2022, at an employment growth rate of 11.3 percent. Part of that expansion comes from an increasing need for schools to assist students with learning disabilities, special needs and behavioral issues.
The BLS looks at clinical psychologists, counselors and school psychologists as a group when evaluating take-home pay. In 2013, the median salary of these professionals was $67, 760. The best-paid earned about 2, 380 while the lowest-paid earned less than , 020. The best-paid school psychologists work in several metropolitan areas in California, including San Luis Obispo, Madera, Vallejo and Salinas.
75th Percentile |
Nationally certified school psychologists hold master’s degrees and must also complete a three-year program, which includes 60 hours of coursework in education and psychology, plus at least 1, 200 internship hours. The internship is usually done at a school. A passing score on the Praxis II exam in school psychology is also required. While most school psychologists work with children, some go on to earn a doctorate in order to teach and study human behavior.
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You need to first figure out what type of psychology you want to go into- clinical, social, developmental, counseling etc. Then from there you need to see which schools are strong in your choosen area. Not every school will have a strong program in every type of psychology