Distance Learning OCCSeptember 4, 2016 – 06:29 pm

Imagine taking classes from the convenience of your home, office or wherever your laptop can take you. That s what the Dallas Colleges Online and distance learning is all about. Dallas Colleges Online has been serving the colleges of the DD for over 25 years. In 1991, the LeCroy Center for Educational Telecommunications (LCET) was established to house the rapidly growing and expanding distance learning course development programs for the colleges…
Define Contemporary PsychologyAugust 17, 2016 – 12:43 pm

Homer, Leonardo da Vinci, Shakespeare, Mozart, and Tolstoy; Galileo, Newton, Darwin, Curie, and Einstein. What do these world-famous figures in the arts and sciences have in common?-apart from the fact that their achievements are a century or more old. Most of us would probably answer something like this: all ten individuals through their work permanently changed the way that humanity perceived the world: each possessed something we call genius. But…
Research Design in Clinical PsychologyAugust 1, 2016 – 11:12 am

In this successful text, Kazdin describes research methods in psychology and provides criteria for conducting and evaluating clinical research. This text s emphasis is on clinical psychology, but the issues and methods it discusses are relevant to counseling, school psychology and psychiatry. The various stages of research are discussed, with an emphasis on the special demands that are placed on the investigator. Research Design in Clinical Psychology…
Virginia Commonwealth University Counseling PsychologyJuly 18, 2016 – 08:52 am

University Counseling Services (UCS) provides a one-year intensive psychology internship. The purpose is to train future psychologists in the core areas of: intake/assessment, individual psychotherapy and case management, group psychotherapy, crisis intervention, awareness of socio-cultural differences, supervision, consultation/outreach, scholarly inquiry, and overall professional functioning. The UCS psychology internship is fully accredited by…
Kenneth PopeJuly 17, 2016 – 08:51 am

Going to hear Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., and the community organizer Saul Alinsky changed my life forever. Their words shook me awake, wouldn t let go. By the time I graduated from college, their words had convinced me to delay a fellowship to study literature so that I could learn community organizing and try to make a difference. I worked in an inner-city area of severe poverty during the late 1960s and early 1970s. For the first time in my life…
Psychology CareersJuly 11, 2016 – 08:34 am

Forensic psychologists are most commonly licensed psychologists who specialize in applying psychological knowledge to legal matters, both in the criminal and civil arenas. They hold graduate degrees in psychology, most often a PhD or a PsyD. Forensic psychology is a subdiscipline of psychology. It has its own professional organizations, training programs, and research journals. Forensic psychologists are found in academia, public service, and the…
Current Psychological ResearchJune 9, 2016 – 05:19 am

Whether parents are happier than non-parents, why siblings are so different, the perils of discipline, bedtimes, TV and more… One of the many reasons parenting is an impossible job is that everyone is giving you advice, and much of it is rubbish. Frankly, it’s amazing we’ve all made it this far. So, bucking the trend of random anecdote and superstition, here are ten recent psychology studies that every parent should know. 1. Parents are happier than…