Listening to Music while Working outJune 4, 2016 – 05:08 am
Upgrade your playlist for fresh new tunes that ll keep you working out longer and harder. Listen to this playlist created by DJ Dalton in Spotify. The Best Hip-Hop Songs Sweat-worthy rap and R&B workout songs created by editors and DJ Kalkutta. The Best Power-Up Songs Power workout songs to pick up the pace, created by DJ Kalkutta. The Best Dance Workout Songs Bouncy beats that move your feet, created by DJ Kalkutta. Motivating Workout Songs…
Psychology ResearchMay 27, 2016 – 03:50 am
This type of experiment is conducted in a well-controlled environment – not necessarily a laboratory – and therefore accurate and objective measurements are possible. The researcher decides where the experiment will take place, at what time, with which participants, in what circumstances and using a standardized procedure. These are conducted in the everyday (i.e. natural) environment of the participants but the situations are still artificially set…
What types of Psychologist are there?May 23, 2016 – 03:38 am
Psychologists have several areas to specialize in ranging from clinically diagnosing various mental health, emotional or behavioral disorders to working in non-clinical practice environments such as research and even business. In most cases psychologist sub-specialties will require a doctoral degree as the terminal degree and specific certifications, yet there are a few states and sub-specializations that allow for a master s degree in psychology…
Industrial Organizational Psychology Research TopicsMay 17, 2016 – 03:15 am
To give some idea of the range of topics that are possible, a sample of titles of recent dissertations done by our graduate students is shown. Within I/O psychology, a student may choose to specialize in such areas as personnel psychology, training and development, individual assessment, work motivation, group and organizational processes, or psychometrics, among others. Such specialization may be achieved with courses in counseling psychology, advanced…
Jobs with the State of WashingtonMay 16, 2016 – 03:12 am
To apply to any of the following postings, click on the particular link. Doing so will take you to the specific posting on Click apply and follow the directions. Do not forget to upload all required documents. Once a profile has been created and documents have been uploaded, applying for positions is a quick and easy process. - Deadline: 10/9/15 - Deadline: 10/2/15 Law Clerk Externship for Academic Year - Deadline: Continuous You…
New Research in PsychologyMay 13, 2016 – 02:56 am
Blogs By Wray Herbert Wray Herbert has been writing about psychology and behavioral science for many years. He has been a staff writer and editor for Science News, Psychology Today, US News & World Report , and Newsweek. He is currently a contributor to Huffington Post and Scientific American Mind . His work has also appeared in the New York Times Sunday Magazine , the Washington Post, and many other national publications. Latest Posts: I’ve…
Job Opportunities for Bachelors in PsychologyApril 30, 2016 – 01:10 am
Tom Merton / Getty Images 1. Sales Representatives Undergraduate psychology programs help students acquire a wide range of interpersonal skills, which can then be put to use in a number of different sales and marketing positions. Employers value skills such as the ability to speak well and communicate effectively. If you are interested in working in this field, take classes that will improve your understanding of people and human behavior. Courses…