Topics on PsychologyFebruary 3, 2015 – 01:43 pm

Another year has passed and with it, we’ve all grown a little older. And perhaps a little wiser as well. But we’ve also experienced deep loss this year as well, with the tragic suicide of Robin Williams — just one of the estimated 800, people who take their own lives each year. A marker of just how much further we have to go. Here at Psych Central we try every day to reach more people with our message of hope — we now serve more than 7 million people…
Peer reviewed Journal Articles FreeMarch 1, 2014 – 02:57 pm

A peer-reviewed article is published in a peer-reviewed journal only after it has been subjected to multiple critiques by scholars in that field. Peer-reviewed journals follow this procedure to make sure that published articles reflect solid scholarship and advance the state of knowledge in a discipline. These articles present the best and most authoritative information that disciplines have to offer. Also, through the careful use of citations, a…
Psychology ReportOctober 1, 2015 – 07:57 am

(Photo: Comedy Central) No one thought that Stephen Colbert, the character, would last this long. His right-wing, self-regarding, bloviating pundit was a shtick, a bit, good for a year or two, tops. As Colbert said Monday of the soon-to-retire Michele Bachmann, “Godspeed, Michele, Godspeed. I cannot believe you kept up that crazy conservative character for eight years.” But for nine years now Colbert has been reminding us that politics, and the right-wing…
Psychology Research Assistant JobsMarch 10, 2014 – 02:50 pm

Participating in research as a research assistant is a rewarding way to learn more about the latest advances in psychology. We have opportunties for Stanford students as well as students and recent graduates from other insitutions. You may participate in research for pay, as a volunteer, work-study student or credited student. however you can also contact labs directly to learn about current openings. Please use the link to search for labs studying…
Psychology Research JournalsJuly 20, 2014 – 04:36 pm

Psychology Research Psychology Research is an international, scholarly peer-reviewed journal (print and online) published monthly by David Publishing Company, 9460 Telstar Ave Suite 5, EL Monte, CA 91731, USA, since July, 2011. The journal publishes articles, reviews, etc., on any issues from the broadest range of psychological traditions and that cross disciplinary boundaries, through which it tries to provide the latest information on developments…
Psychology Research Jobs New YorkFebruary 18, 2015 – 05:09 pm

Are you looking for a Psychology internship in New York City? Psychology internships are the best way to bridge the gap between going to school and landing great job. Internships can help provide valuable work experience by learning the ropes from more experienced professionals. At the end of your internship, you’ll have relevant experience to help you decide if starting your career in the field of your internship is the right choice for you. It also…
Psychological ResearchDecember 7, 2013 – 03:37 pm

A wide range of research methods are used in psychology. These methods vary by the sources of information that are drawn on, how that information is sampled, and the types of instruments that are used in data collection. Methods also vary by whether they collect qualitative data, quantitative data or both. Qualitative psychological research is where the research findings are not arrived at by statistical or other quantitative procedures. Quantitative…