Graduate Programs in Sports PsychologyMarch 4, 2016 – 05:11 pm

Edited by AASP members Kevin L. Burke, Michael L. Sachs and Sherry L. Schweighardt, the 11th Edition of the Directory of Graduate Programs in Applied Sport Psychology offers a wealth of information on nearly 100 masters and doctoral degree programs worldwide, including: Program descriptions detailing research and applied emphasis Degrees offered Student to faculty ratio Internship/externship/practica opportunities Online/distance learning Preparation…
Find a Sports PsychologistMarch 3, 2016 – 05:09 pm

Youth sports are fertile ground for exploration, not only because of the 40 million kids who participate each year, but also in light of the alarming number who choose not to stick with it. Read More As millions of people watched the Olympic Games this winter, many wondered how these athletes compete at such a high level. How did these men and women become – and remain – such elite competitors? Read More Self-help books continue to proliferate on…
Mental toughness in SportsMarch 1, 2016 – 04:54 pm

Is your head preventing you from becoming a winner? Do you suffer from slumps, choking, psych-outs, runaway emotions, negativity or a lack of confidence? Do you perform better in practice than at “crunch time” when it counts the most? Do you consistently underachieve in your performance arena? NOW YOU CAN LEARN HOW TO DEVELOP THE MIND OF A CHAMPION Here’s how… Most performance problems that athletes and other performers struggle with are not a result…
Child Psychologist Career InformationFebruary 20, 2016 – 03:08 pm

Child psychology involves treating children with a spectrum of issues and disorders. Child psychology professionals might administer tests or conduct research in psychology or child development. They also might engage in individual or group sessions with children. Child psychologists must have a doctoral degree and a license to engage in clinical practice. Some school psychologists can practice with a specialist or master s degree and certification…
Sports Psychology SalaryFebruary 1, 2016 – 12:07 pm

Graduates with a Master s degree in Sports Psychology can expect to make a good living in this discipline. There are many different types of jobs & careers that a sports psychologist could perform, combining elements of clinical psychology, counseling psychology, athletic research, and motivational speaking. They help athletes improve their performance, while studying the relationship between mental and physical health and how it affects human…
Sports Mental toughnessJanuary 24, 2016 – 10:53 am

Great souls have wills; feeble ones have only wishes. Chinese Proverb Mental toughness means backbone, daring, determination, fortitude, guts, mettle, moxie, nerve, perseverance, resolution, spirit, tenacity, toughness. It is is the ability to persevere in pursuit of a goal; no matter how long it takes. Here are five ways to become more mentally tough on and off the court. 1. Do the hard things first. Pick your weakest spot and work on it first…
Doctorate Sports PsychologyJanuary 23, 2016 – 10:52 am

A nine-foot putt on a golfing green, a backhand volley on a tennis court, a quick toss to the first baseman on a baseball diamond - these are all deceptively complex feats of physical and mental prowess. Like many of the everyday, in-the-game actions that the best athletes pull off with routine ease, they require skills honed through hours upon hours of practice, instinctive situational awareness, and, of course, a certain amount of innate talent…