The Bachelor of Arts degree in Sport Psychology at Adams State combines Human Performance & Physical Education with Psychology.
The degree offers students the opportunity to learn more about psychological concepts and apply these to a sport context as well as develop an understanding of sport and exercise psychology.
Our program increases student understanding of:
- sports participants, environments, and group processes
- performance enhancing techniques such as goal setting, imagery, and self-talk
Get prepared for graduate study or careers that involve understanding the psychological and physiological influences on sport performance:
Sport Psychologists work in
- Clinical arenas – Individuals trained in clinical or counseling psychology are interested in the athlete and his or her experiences.
- Educational settings – Practitioners teach principles of sport and exercise psychology to athletes and coaches and help athletes develop skills for optimal performance.
- Research – Scientist/ scholars look for better techniques that can be applied to today's athletes.
Most jobs in Sport Psychology require graduate degrees.
We will prepare you for advanced studies in sport psychology, sport and exercise physiology and/or counseling.
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Psychology program don't matter at the undergrad level, and you don't specialize either. You generalize in psychology, taking courses from each area, in order to get the best opportunities for grad school. This is as you're expected to be very well rounded in your psychology program. Grad school is where you buckle down and focus on the type of program you want to be associated with.