Forensic Psychological EvaluationMay 31, 2017 – 06:44 pm

The process of evaluation varies, depending upon the nature of the alleged injuries. A plaintiff s injuries may require only psychiatric and psychological examinations. Alternatively, a more extensive brain-injury evaluation may be necessary if brain function is raised as a legal issue. Each individual s medical records are reviewed prior to the examination to determine the specific assessment that is best suited to the needs of each individual case…
Forensic Psychology testsMay 1, 2017 – 05:55 pm

Psychological Testing Quality Psychological Testing Resource The following link will take you to the psychological testing centre. An extremely useful and thorough resource provided by the British Psychological Society. Read FBI Profiling Classics on Kindle This special Kindle collection consists primarily of the landmark articles written by members of the Behavioral Science Units, National Center for the Analysis of Violent Crime, at the FBI Academy…
Forensic Psychology ClassesApril 13, 2017 – 05:14 pm

Criminal psychology courses are generally offered as part of bachelor s or master s degree programs in criminology or master s and doctorate degree programs in psychology. Graduates of these types of programs may find careers in fields such as law enforcement, criminal profiling and psychology. List of Courses The following descriptions provide an overview of the most common criminal psychology courses. Biological Criminal Psychology Course Biological…
Forensic Psychology Ph.D Programs OnlineApril 10, 2017 – 05:12 pm

An online forensic psychology degree prepares students for jobs in the legal sector. Forensic psychology is the intersection of psychology and criminal justice and students need a solid grounding in both backgrounds. Most forensic psychologists assess people in the legal system to learn information used during court proceedings. This might include assessing whether a person is competent to stand trial, whether they are legally sane, and whether they…
Forensic Psychology DefinitionMarch 17, 2017 – 05:04 pm

Is there a better source for information about forensic psychology than the Academy of Forensic Psychology? We don t think there is, so we re using their definition here: Forensic Psychology is the application of the science and profession of psychology to questions and issues relating to law and the legal system. The word forensic comes from the Latin word forensis,meaning of the forum,where the law courts of ancient Rome were held. Today forensic…
Gwu Forensic ScienceMarch 11, 2017 – 05:03 pm

The Master of Forensic Science in Forensic Chemistry is accredited by the Forensic Science Education Programs Accreditation Commission (FEPAC) and trains students to become laboratory analysts in the fields of forensic drug chemistry or trace evidence analysis. Drugs and their analyses are presented to the students through courses in medicinal chemistry and through the special topics course on the analysis of dosage forms of drugs. Trace evidence…
Forensics Psychologist SalaryFebruary 24, 2017 – 04:53 pm

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the median salary for forensic psychologists is about $59, 440 a year. Those in the 50th percentile made anywhere from $45, 300 to $77, 750 annually, while those in the upper 10th percentile earned salaries exceeding $100, a year. Most entry-level positions for those with a doctorate degree start out around $65, a year. Starting salaries for professionals with a bachelor s or master s degree range from…