Sports Psychology for DummiesJanuary 28, 2017 – 04:15 pm

For every athlete, coach, and parent! Mental conditioning is as critical as physical conditioning to sports success. Sports Psychology For Dummies offers readers a comprehensive program to gain the winning edge, providing training tips and techniques along with helpful advice to keep in mind while competing. Readers will learn how to: Strengthen concentration Develop routines that will lead to consistent improvement Regulate energy to avoid exhaustion…
Sports Psychology QuotesJanuary 16, 2017 – 04:08 pm

These quotes are about getting the motivation to get up and have a go. I hope you find some motivation in them. To begin, begin. - Peter Nivio Zarlenga A good beginning makes a good end. - English Proverb Begin - to begin is half the work, let half still remain; again begin this, and thou wilt have finished. - Decimus Magnus Ausonius The greatest discovery of my generation is that human beings can alter their lives by altering their attitudes of mind…
Psychologist PositionsJanuary 10, 2017 – 04:03 pm

Psychologists aim at helping people cope with mental health issues and diseases or life issues. Psychologists typically help people who are suffering from depression, have anxiety issue, are going through a tough time, or have other mental disorders. Psychologists may also help the family of someone who is dealing with a mental health issue, addiction or a chronic illness. Psychologists use evidence-based treatments to effectively help people work…
Psychology of SportsDecember 29, 2016 – 03:47 pm

Common distractions are: anxiety, mistakes, fatigue, weather, public announcements, coach, manager, opponent, negative thoughts etc. Strategies to improve concentration are very personal. One way to maintain focus is to set process goals for each session or competition. The athlete will have an overall goal for which the athlete will identify a number of process goals that help focus on specific aspects of the task. For each of these goals the athlete…
Sports Psychology SchoolsDecember 17, 2016 – 03:20 pm

If you are a psychology student with a passion for health, physical activity and sports, why not choose a Sports Psychology Graduate Program, which could give your studies a career-focus? Sports Psychology is the study of how psychology influences sports, athletic performance, exercise and physical activity. Someone with a Sports Psychology Degree is equipped to work with professional athletes and coaches to improve motivation and improve performance…
Ph.D in Sports PsychologyDecember 8, 2016 – 03:09 pm

Through the UNT Department of Psychology’s APA-accredited Counseling Psychology program, graduate students are able to pursue a Ph.D. in counseling psychology with a specialized elective cluster in sport and exercise psychology. Through this doctoral program and specialization, graduates obtain a broad professional education as a mental health practitioner while also receiving specific training in working with athletes, coaches, and sport teams. Upon…
Sports Psychology Masters ProgramsNovember 11, 2016 – 02:38 pm

The Sport Psychology program admits only Fall Quarter of odd-numbered years. Next available admission term will be Fall 2017. Degree: Master of Science College: College of Humanities and Social Sciences Department: Physical Education, Health and Recreation Fall: February 1 All complete applications received by the deadline will be given full admissions consideration. After the deadline, applications may be accepted on a space-available-basis. WWU…