You may be asking yourself, “Why should I become a “Certified Consultant, AASP”?
That’s an important question because certification can be a difficult and time-consuming process that is only worth completing if you feel you are getting some significant benefits in return.
1. Certification promotes quality control
- Certification helps the public understand the importance of using sport psychology consultants who have the background and training to provide quality services.
- AASP has a strong commitment to support quality control among sport psychology consultants, and each person working in the field has a professional obligation to become certified and promote certification with our colleagues and students.
- Certification provides a system through which we can recognize consultants with the right type of coursework and practicum/internship experiences - the credentials needed to be a better service provider than consultants without these experiences.
- AASP certification is a prerequisite to being placed on the USOC Registry that allows sport psychology consultants to work with US Olympic athletes and teams.
2. Certification allows AASP to provide quality service to the public
- Individuals can go to the AASP website to find a qualified consultant to meet their needs and the qualifications they should look for when selecting a consultant.
- Each of us who wants to promote AASP and applied sport and exercise psychology has a professional obligation to this public service function of certification.
Source: www.appliedsportpsych.org
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Individuals with specialized training and appropriate certification and/or licensure are considered applied sport psychologists. Anyone seeking the services of an applied sport psychology professional should ask about the professional’s credentials, clientele, experience and membership in professional organizations such as the Association for the Advancement of Applied Sport Psychology (AAASP) and/or the American Psychological Association (APA).