Obtain a sports psychology degree by getting a Bachelor's degree in Psychology from an accredited college or university. If possible, sign up for Sports Psychology as an undergraduate study. The career field is growing rapidly, so finding such a program should not be that difficult.
Get your Master's degree in Psychology or Sports Psychology. Most amateur and professional sports associations require their sports psychologists to have an advanced degree. This means they have a Masters of Psychology and a Doctorate of Psychology.
Receive your Doctorate degree in psychology. You will not be granted certification in Sports Psychology until you receive this degree.
Apply for a Sport Psychology internship either at a clinic, university or with a professional sport organization. The average internship lasts 1 to 2 years. Internships are beneficial because you will learn things that you would never learn in a book. Frequently, organizations hire their own interns, so it may also give you an amazing job opportunity.
Pass the Examination for Professional Practice in Psychology (EPPP), administered by Association of State and Provincial Psychology Boards (ASPPB). This is a board examine that will give you your license to practice psychology in all 50 states. It is given at various times throughout the year at colleges and universities across the country.
Contact the American Board of Sports Psychology about certification in sports psychology. Your peers will actually help with your certification, as the ABSP requires peers to review your academic and work records. If you do everything you are supposed to, you will have no problem receiving your certification.
Start your new job as a sports psychologist.There is plenty room for professional development and promotion opportunities, so whatever your professional goal is, work hard to attain it.
More:Source: www.wikihow.com
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You need at least a masters and probably a Phd in psychology, and experience in counseling along with connections to either sports or sports management.
Years of experience are also helpful.