Biographies with a focus on Mental Toughness,Deliberate Practice Strategies and The Champion Mindset

September 1, 2015 – 01:41 pm

Champion Mindset, Champion Mind, Mind Of a Champion, Mindset Of A ChampionThis is almost a day-by-day account of what it’s like to be on the Professional Squash tour. All I can say is that it’s a must read if you play squash and want to know what it was like for James to make it to #1 in the world.Mindset Of A Champion, Jahangir Khan, Squash Book, Rahmat Khan, Squash Coaching His insights and brutal honesty are so refreshing that after reading it, I felt as though I had just finished playing a tournament – that’s how engrossing it was. Who would have guessed that a great squash player would also make a great writer?!?! The fact that he is still playing is astonishing and lends even more substance to the experience. I highly recommend it.

This will become a classic coaching text for squash coaches. It reveals the essential values and techniques to build a winning squash team.Mindset Of A Champion, Champion Mindset, Champion Mind, Mind Of A Champion It’s also a great source of inspiration and insights for the competitive/elite squash player who wants to learn what it takes to win consistently over a long period of time. I recommend it for all levels of squash players and a must for all racket sport coaches. We should all be lucky to have a coach with this level of vision and wisdom!

This is a great book if you’re an antimimeticisomorphism aficionado. There are countless tennis training tips and techniques you’d never think of that are just ‘brilliant’ – like throwing an American football to warm up and mimic the serve motion, using sparklers to capture the real movement of each stroke – if you don’t have time lapse photography equipment…

All in all, it’s a priceless analysis of how champions are made and NOT born. Just about anyone with this level of training, coaching and follow through would have been successful.

For me, the key aspect of Mr Williams’ coaching and mentoring was to keep it “fun” so they would not burn out and get tired of the drudgery of training and then competing. That attention to the psychology of winning is what set him apart from all the other parents who never got ‘it’… That’s why his daughters are champions and all the others are not.

Simple as that – of course hindsight is 20/20, but in this instance, Mr Williams has 20/20 Foresight!

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