The San Diego University for Integrative Studies offers a non-degree certification program in Sport Psychology for students, and other professionals interested in working with athletes and athletic organizations. This program is designed to provide students with the theoretical and practical training needed to help athletes be more effective in sports and their personal lives. The program is intended to prepare professionals to consult with individual athletes, teams, and athletic organizations, and to effectively develop and teach programs tailored for this unique population.
The Sport Psychology Certificate at SDUIS is designed to provide participants with a holistic and culturally enriched perspective about facilitating health, emotional growth, and human potential. The personal integration for a host of experiences and techniques is intended to contribute to the development of greater personal health and increased therapeutic options.
The 40 units can also be applied toward the degree requirements for MA in Sport Counseling or Ph.D. in Sport Psychology.
By approval of the director.
Each student must complete 40 quarter units of Sport Counseling coursework consisting of seven classes and a practicum. The student is free to choose which courses are included in the certificate work.
Source: sduis.edu
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